Language is beautiful

For years I have wanted to learn Chinese. My best friend is Taiwanese. We met at university. Her parents came to visit and my friend had to translate everything for me. I just wanted to be able to understand them and for them to understand me. I felt ashamed that I could not understand them. That is when my chinese journey began. I tried many chinese apps and had a few lessons whilst studying at uni. None of it had a routine so I didnt stick to it. There was no personal connection and I couldnt really see any growth.

I joined amazing talker and I can see my growth each week. I have an amazing teacher Jason ;) pardon the pun. I can now not only hold a conversation in chinese but also sing in chinese. I am having so much fun learning and can now fulfill my dream of speaking chinese. Jason has even given me a chinese name!

My friend from Taiwan has not heard my Chinese yet so I will surprise her when eveything is back to normal and I get to see her again. I am also going to sing to her, not sure if she will enjoy that (I dont have the greatest voice) but I sure will give it a good go!

We can all achieve our goals and dreams, amazing talker gave me the routine I needed. Having weekly lessons with an actual person really helps me to keep on track.

Yours 絜玉

PS apologies for the posy photo ;)

Les professeurs

👍美常春藤教師(TOCFL, HSK)
20 €
/ 50 min
4 €
/ Cours d'essai
anglaisC1 Avancé
👍美常春藤教師(TOCFL, HSK)
anglaisC1 Avancé
chinoisNatif 歡迎訂閱Jason的教學頻道 ✨曾拿獎學金於美國新常春藤名校任教 ✨曾任美國大學中文面試官 ✨曾於台灣華語文學會論文發表 ✨成功幫美國學生申請台華獎學金至台就讀 ✨現任國小老師,大學華語講師, Amazing Talker平台三年的資深教師 ✨二十六年中文教學資歷,具簡繁體字教學經驗,學生遍及各國,對象從教授、醫生、經理到五歲孩童等等。 ✨協助學生通過TOCFL中高級及HSK六級分考試,至台灣及中國就業。 ✨多元教學方法、客製化教學、上課生動有趣,絕不無聊 ✨專長:港式發音糾正班、經典文學班、兒童繪本班、國中會考班、國小作文班、成人HSK及TOCFL考試班。
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4 avis

  • Hello, 絜玉! I love your story! I also uploaded an article related to my English journey in NZ. If you like it, please give me a heart so that I may win the contest in December, thank you! Here is the link:
  • I can feel you! I felt stuck when learning Indonesian via apps, so I turned to Amazing talker for help. And same here! I have seen obvious growth after joining Amazing Talker:) I will stick with learning Indonesian to become a counselor that can help Indonesian workers and immigrants. Welcome to read my story:)
  • I am glad to know you achieve your goal and dream.
  • How touching the article is! In my perspective, you also have a kind and beautiful soul! I seldom hear that someone would learn Chinese for their friends, so you really cherish this friendship very much! It means that I will give you more opportunities to learn Chinese well so that you will speak to your best friend in Chinese someday! Let’s go,絜玉!