There is a saying that I really love, “When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either.”
The worst situation that I could imagine is just failing the exam. Nothing is more horrible than that.
I still remembered that it was April, 2017 that I started to learn French when I applied to the exchange student program. I started my 4-month journey in France after learning some greetings. Since the courses were taught in English, I didn’t speak that much French. With English and body language, I could handle all the situations. Despite the fact that my French skills didn’t improve at all, I fell in love with French.
回台灣後,我修了一學期的二外通識,工作後就中斷了法文學習之旅,然而卻一直很想念在法國的生活,直至去年一月才又開始法文補習班及團體小班,但是白天上班,晚上上課對我而言相當吃力,且實體班還需要通勤的時間,回到家接近晚上十一點苦不堪言,因此我開始每天聽RFI Facile、偶爾背單字、翻文法書、和外國朋友語言交換,但我的法文好像就卡在一個瓶頸,沒辦法再更上去,感受不到自己的進步。
After coming back to Taiwan, I took the course in college for one semester. I stopped learning French since I started to work. However, I did miss life in France. That’s why I started going to cram school and group classes to keep learning. Unfortunately, I could not take the burden of working daytime and studying at night at the same time. I quit the classes again and learned by myself: listening to RFI Facile radio, memorizing the vocabularies, studying grammar and having language exchange with my foreign friends. But still, my French was stuck there and I couldn’t feel any improvement.
The key change is last September that I had dinner with the Taiwanese friend I knew during the exchange program. After we caught up with each other, I was joking that maybe I could take the DELF B1, so that I could make big progress on French.Nevertheless, he told me to stop dreaming. I knew that he didn’t say that on purpose, but still it hurt and that was the night I registered for the exam.
然而拖延症發作的我一直到了11月份才驚覺火燒屁股,甚至開始告訴自己就考個經驗,沒過就算了,反正當初報名就是場意外,一個月的時間怎麼可能通過B1。但理性的我又告訴自己報名費都報下去了,原本可以吃好幾頓大餐的!最後我告訴自己:就這個月全力準備,如果有過,就是上天眷顧;如果沒過至少我努力過了,沒有愧對自己!於是我開始啃網友們推薦的法文檢定書籍,每天早上聽TV5 Monde及RFI Facile,通勤時背轉折詞和單字,午休練習法語DELF考試全攻略,晚上寫題庫,訂正寫作,幾乎網路上找的到的題庫我都練習了。另一方面開始尋找法文家教,很巧的是Johnny就是Amazing Talker系統第一個推薦給我的老師,還記得體驗課非常緊湊,老師步調很快,快速掃過各部分如何準備,也很直白地告訴我不一定能考過,但在最後一個月努力幫我拉分數,全力衝刺寫作和口說。
To be honest, it was until November that I started to prepare for it seriously. I even told myself that it was totally an accident that I registered for the exam. Thus, just take it easy.
However, I felt guilty and made the determination of passing it. If I failed, at least I tried! There was nothing to regret. Therefore, I started to study the textbooks, listened to the radios every morning, and memorized the vocabularies when commuting. During the noon break, I took the notes and at night, I wrote and revised the essays. I almost finished all the exercises I could find on the Internet. Besides, I searched for the French tutor online and Johnny was surprisingly the first teacher that the system recommended. The pace of trial class was fast and Johnny even told me that it wasn’t that possible to pass the exam frankly, but he would try his best to help me. I knew that he was the teacher I was looking for.
The reason why Johnny's classes were so attractive was that he made the best use of every class. We did the things that could only be done during the class instead of doing writing exercises or preparing the script of self introduction. With five classes, he revised the five essays! He corrected all the mistakes and explained the logic and structure of French people. In addition, he taught me the skills of every part and encouraged me which indeed built my confidence. During the preparation, I was under tons of pressure, and even cried when being alone. The only thing I could do was trying my best and never quitting. I will never forget the moment when I saw my registration number on the list! I almost shouted at the toilet in my company.
My learning journey might be quite similar with other Taiwanese people. We have difficulties learning the second foreign language and when we restart, we feel like it’s a waste of time and take the classes at a higher level. Without a stable basis, we feel frustrated all the time and eventually quit again. Yet after the experience, I find back the passion for French and have the sense of achievement. I will keep learning French and hope that someday I can speak French fluently and confidently.
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這一切都是妳的努力 我只是提醒幾個重點而已 :)
Bonne continuation!